
I know that you’re Tired, Weary and Worn. You’ve done all that you knew was right to do; And have soldiered on and gone Above and Beyond even that. Yet there remains Just one more thing Left for you To be complete. What else is left? You may be asking, After you’ve left Zero stones Unturned; After you’ve drunk The heavy cup of sorrow Down To its dregs; After you have prayed, And cried, And then prayed and cried again and toiled on at your thankless post of duty, Turning Abaddon’s bitterest Hostilities into the Sweetest Lemonade; Not rendering evil for their evil, But finding kindness and empathy Where were none to be found; patiently watching, working, Waiting and hoping for your Divine Promotion, Keeping faith and hope alive, And acting the part of the Good Samaritan’s disciple. I give you simply One More Thing to add to your To Do list. I implore you to Stand. Stand and do not waver. Stand and do not falter. For Your labors and burdens That you have borne, The Cross you have carried As you walked in the Lord’s Footsteps, Are not in vain. Stand, for your day of Rejoicing is fast approaching. Those shoulders have borne burdens, and That head that has been bowed long nights in earnest prayer Will look up and see Jesus In all of His glory, And hear Him pronounce those words of Jubilee, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in a few things, and I will make thee ruler over much; enter thou into the joy of the Lord.” So after all that has been said and done, take courage, be bold in the faith, take hold of God’s strength, And in the power of His might, stand.


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